inHarmony Blog

5 Tips for Getting Started with Meditation

May 16, 2023

5 Tips for Getting Started with Meditation

Meditation may help boost your health, improve your mood, and increase feelings of connection with those around you. When we meditate, we inject far-reaching and...
The Positive Impact of Sound on the Body

May 16, 2023

The Positive Impact of Sound on the Body

What we consider “sound” is actually vibrations in the air or other mediums such as water. These vibrations create waves which are then perceived by...
Introduction to Vibroacoustic Therapy

May 16, 2023

Introduction to Vibroacoustic Therapy

Every particle in the universe vibrates, as everything in the universe is made of energy. These vibrations occur at different frequencies, meaning that there are...
The Healing Power of Vibration

May 16, 2023

The Healing Power of Vibration

“Everything in life is vibration,” and “if you wish to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration,” said Einstein and Nikola...
The Effects of Sound on the Pineal Gland

May 16, 2023

The Effects of Sound on the Pineal Gland

Have you ever heard of pineal gland activation through sound and wondered whether there was any validity to it? You’re not alone. Many people hear...