What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?

What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?

Some of you may recognize the title of this blog as an R.E.M. song from the 90s (which was named after an incident involving reporter Dan Rather). You might be wondering, what’s frequency? If you're reading this blog, it means you are either a user of or interested in vibroacoustic therapy, where the term frequency is often used. However, in many cases frequency can be confusing and misleading.

Frequency, as a word, refers to the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. In physics, we use the term frequency to describe the number of times a propagating waveform, such as sound, light, or radio waves, oscillates per second.


The term “frequencies” is misleading since it only indicates that waveforms are present, not what type of waveforms they are.  A wifi signal, an FM radio signal and an x-ray are all electro-magnetic “frequencies” but they are vastly different things and have significantly different impacts on humans. All of these are what we refer to as non-native EMF but an FM radio signal is vastly less harmful than an x-ray. So what really matters is which kind of EMF is present and at what power level.

Adding to the confusion is the fact that we use the same term "frequency" to measure electromagnetic waves, as we do for slower physical or mechanical waves like ocean waves, seismic waves, and most importantly, sound waves. Sound and light are not the same, which is why we have ears for sound and eyes for light.

While it’s true that both sound and light (sunlight is native-EMF) are both waves with frequencies, they are entirely different types of energy, with vastly different frequencies. I often joke that EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) and sound are like milk and gasoline – they may share some similarities, such as both being liquids and measured in gallons, but that's where the similarities end. They are fundamentally different.

Sound is a physical "pressure wave" that requires a medium (such as air, water, wood, or metal) to propagate, similar to how ocean waves move through water. Sound travels at a speed of about 760 miles per hour (many jets fly faster) and has a frequency range between 0 Hz and 20,000 Hz.

On the other hand, EMF propagates at a speed that is about a million times faster and operates at frequencies that are trillions of times higher. All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, which is approximately 670,000,000 miles per hour. They can propagate through the vacuum of space and have a frequency range between 0 Hz and 800 Terra Hz (800 trillion cycles per second) for visible light. X-rays and gamma rays have even higher frequencies. Electromagnetic waves have both electrical and magnetic properties that pulse at these enormous frequencies. In contrast, sound waves propagate at a much slower speed of 760 mph with a maximum frequency of 20,000 Hz.

Here are a few examples of electromagnetic radiation or frequencies (often referred to just as EMF):

  • AM/FM radio 
  • TV Broadcasts 
  • WiFi 
  • Bluetooth 
  • Microwaves 
  • 5G/LTE 
  • Cell Phones 
  • Infrared light 
  • Visible light 
  • Ultraviolet light 
  • X-rays 
  • Gamma rays 

Here are some examples of sound waves: 

  • The Red Hot Chili Peppers 
  • A baby laughing 
  • Thunder 
  • Glass breaking 
  • A French Horn 
  • Human Speech 
  • Car Wheels on a Gravel Road 

These differences highlight the fact that sound and EMF are fundamentally distinct. In our VAT community, we take significant steps to minimize exposure to EMF (except for natural sunlight) while seeking out and enjoying the enchantment of sound. The inHarmony products offer a pot of gold in terms of this enchantment.

inHarmony Interactive designs & manufactures premium devices and creates incredible content that delivers full spectrum audio frequencies through high-end headphones or speakers. They provide music, meditations, experiential tracks, and therapeutic tracks, while simultaneously applying the very low bass frequency components of that audio (approximately 200 Hz and below) to one or more custom designed tactile transducers. These transducers vibrate in real time to the low-frequency parts of the music.. The table cannot vibrate faster than 200 Hz due to the specifications of most subwoofer amplifiers. This frequency range is chosen because it is the point at which humans transition from "feeling" sound to "hearing" it. 

Sound is often described as "old school" and analog. It has been around for centuries, and the frequencies from 1 Hz to 20,000 Hz sound the same now as they did in the past. Instruments like Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, drum circles, and didgeridoos have maintained their unique sounds for thousands of years.

VAT devices may be electronically simple, but they require careful design and impeccable precision. Only the highest quality parts are used to create the bedazzling and magical experience that inHarmony devices provide to users. 

So, what happens when you use an inHarmony device? This is where the magic comes in, and inHarmony excels by offering original music and meditations.

By playing harmoniously tuned, professionally composed, and intentionally curated music and vibrational patterns with an understanding of the therapeutic power of vibroacoustics (as found in the inHarmony app), one can experience elevated states of consciousness. Many people talk about connecting to the quantum realm, enlightenment, spiritual awakening, nirvana, pure meditative states, or simply having an amazing experience. All these perspectives essentially convey the same idea, but from the standpoint of the individual's current level of understanding. The inHarmony hardware is magical because it works for novice and experts alike, accommodating everyone's subjective experience. It's worth noting that for many, using these devices has been their first time achieving a meditative state. Meditation is not something you actively do; rather, it's something that happens to you, much like falling asleep. It's a mental state where you lose track of time and become fully aware of just being. So, if someone claims to be meditating (or sleeping) and responds affirmatively when asked, they are either joking or mistaken. 😊

Everything we do at inHarmony revolves around sound and its vibrational energy, which has the incredible ability to calm the body, energize the spirit, and exhilarate the mind.

Music is a magical, mindful, meditative, and magnificent force. I encourage you to listen to and embrace it as often as you can, allowing yourself to shift into the EZ-Pass lane, as Stevie Nicks sings in "Dreams": "It's only right that you should play the way you feel it." Be yourself; you're amazing just as you are.

I can be reached on the telegram user and affiliate chats as well as through email at 

john@iaminharmony.com if you have any questions or comments or ideas for future blogs.

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