Harmony's Journey with vibroacoustic Technology:
Harmony's journey with inHarmony technology began even before she entered the world. From the early stages of her development in the womb, Harmony was exposed to the calming vibrations and soothing meditations provided by the inHarmony Sound Lounge. As she grew older, Harmony's involvement with our technology continued, and now, at three years old, she enjoys using the inHarmony Meditation Cushion alongside her father.
You may have come across videos of Harmony using our technology on our social media channels, showcasing her delight while using the inHarmony Meditation Cushion.
Harmony has grown so accustomed to the vibrations and soothing meditations that she is almost capable of operating the device independently. The positive impact of our technology has helped Harmony feel more relaxed and at ease, particularly during times when overstimulation might be a concern.