As I shared this message, I couldn't help but smile, shed a few tears, and allow goosebumps to envelop me. I revealed that I was reliving a previous experience—an intimate glimpse into my soul. In that transformative moment, the room fell silent, and everyone present recognized the profound lesson the universe had just taught us.
When individuals approach the end of their lives, they never express regret over not spending more time at the office. Instead, they often lament not savoring "the little things" more fully. Sunsets, summer nights, the joy of having a puppy, genuine laughter, meaningful conversations, and beautiful music, these are the moments they yearn for. They often literally use the words ‘the little things”. They rarely regret missed opportunities for grand adventures like visiting the Grand Canyon or exploring Paris or never getting to pretend they were an architect😊. This introspective realization affirms that these so-called "little things" are, in fact, monumental—perhaps even galactic in significance. They might be the only things that truly matter.
We are beings who exist in the realm of experience and interaction, forever bound to the present. Just as worry and regret erase the present moment, we can harness this exclusivity to our advantage. By recognizing when we enter the realms of worry or regret, we can learn to “switch into present mode” (STP). With practice, meditation, or regular use of the inHarmony technology, we can make STP a natural state of being. Gentle reminders, such as the colorful painted seashell I keep on my dashboard, can aid in cultivating this mindset.

Personally, I have found that listening to inHarmony’s original compositions or personally meaningful music on the inHarmony meditation furniture, accompanied by sensory stimuli such as lighting, essential oils, colors, weighted blankets and textures, allows me to immerse myself in what I call "4D meditation." It is the complete opposite of sensory deprivation. Months ago, wholly immersed on the inHarmony Sound Lounge, I had another extraordinary 4D experience. I not only created new moments but also re-lived cherished memories simultaneously.

Vibroacoustics provided me with the incredible opportunity to revisit a moment from my childhood—an early Christmas morning in Brooklyn when, as a young boy of 8 or 9, my siblings and I eagerly entered the living room. When what to my wondering eyes should appear but a magnificent Schwinn Sting-Ray bicycle with a white banana seat, shimmering by the Christmas tree lights! As spectacular a feeling as I think a young boy could ever have short of maybe meeting Mickey Mantle!⚾️🎄I’ve always had a “memory” of that morning, a kind of black & white text version of the event. However, during that Vibroacoustic Therapy session, I fully re-experienced the same emotions. It was as if I had time-traveled back to that magical Christmas morning, more than 50 years ago. It wasn’t a “memory” it was more like the same experience! My once-faint recollection transformed into a vivid, colorful, repeatable experience. I do that regularly now where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, reminiscent of that bicycle under the Christmas tree!