Healing with Sound & Vibration
(43 mins) Join Craig Goldberg on the Incredible Life Creator Podcast. Dr. Kimberly Linert and Craig discuss sound and vibration in detail. Craig Goldberg is a Technologist & Relaxation Expert on a quest to help humanity achieve a deeper sense of inner calmness through the use of sound and vibration. His work as a Certified Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner is backed by 45+ years of research.
Key takeaways
Craig Goldberg, co-founder at inHarmony Interactive, on a quest to help humanity achieve calm through sound and vibration.
Happiness varies per individual; core values to happiness should be considered universally.
Craig shares lessons on stress and the importance of relaxation in a busy lifestyle.
Sound therapy aids in shifting the body to a relaxed state and lowers stress-related hormones.
Specific frequencies affect human physiology and emotions, enhancing sleep quality and meditation.
Vibroacoustic sessions range from 2 minutes to 2 hours; even short sessions yield significant benefits.
Integrating rest into daily routine can enhance productivity and employee well-being.
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hi this is Dr Kimberly Leonard author of visualizing happiness in every area of your life and host of this podcast incredible life Creator and today I have with me Mr Craig Goldberg hey Craig Hi doc good to see you grateful to be here thanks for being here so I'm going to read your bio so people get a little idea of who you are Craig Goldberg is a technologist and relaxation expert on aquest to help Humanity achieve a deeper sense of inner calmness through the useof sound and vibration his work as a certified vibroacoustic therapy practitioner is backed by 45 plus years of research a patented inventor Craig is constantly exploring new ways to help people reduce stress and anxiety improve their health and transform their lives for the better all right well I'd like to hear your story because 45 years of researching is a long time H it is a long time time so I'm actually 45 so I haven't been doing all of that research for 45 years but vibroacoustic therapy is backed by 45 years of science and search thank you but uh but we'll get into the details on all that and I uh I certainly appreciate that I'm gratefult o be here I'm grateful for an opportunity to share what I think is some pretty pivotal and pretty important information it it is so well harmonized with what you're doing in your book and and what you talk about and visualization and happiness it's it before I answer your question I mean even just yesterday I'm a a member of EO entrepreneurs organization and I'm a moderator for my forum and the question was what's the purpose of life and and an umber of people were like to be happy and I was like cool to find happiness like it's different to everybody and and yet I also think there's some core values to happiness that I think are are somewhat Universalor at the very least consider this when you think about happiness and what true happiness actually looks like um and anyway there's just a lot there is a lot there that I could ask you but that's not what this is about this is about me anyhow um my life is I think a pretty normal one I grew up a a great household on Long Island I've got an amazing younger sister I have two parents that are married 50 plus years um life was kind of good I went to college I got a job I had a little bit of a different kind of path than most did I started working full-time when I was 19 I only did two full years atSunni Buffalo and then I actually started working full-time and transferred to um baroo College in NewYork and and when I did that I started working full-time during the day and going to school at night so I'd work a10 12 hour day and then i' would go to school for three four hours and then I would have homework and you know andlife and then I'd finally get to bed for a few hours and then I'd wake up and do the whole thing all over again all yearround for another four years after uh after I I did my two full year at SunniBuffalo so I say all that because I was stressed I I didn't know it at the timeyou know you just kind of do what you got to do and you just keep going but in hindsight knowing now what I know aboutthe nervous system the body the mind and and all of it I was pretty much livingon stimulants chocolate coffee alcohol um and um and and really pushingmyself even in my early 20s to perform and and I was good at what I did I'mstill good now um I I never felt that tired or exhausted or overworked but thereality was I was really in fight ORF flight most days I was really going foras much as I could achieve in as short of a period of time as I could and and Iwas doing it in New York City which if you've ever been in New York City the city just goes and goes and goes itdoesn't have an off switch and now I'm in Vegas where it's another 24-hour town which I live well I do well in theseenvironments obviously but I was stressed and anxious and I didn't know it and it wasn't until Istarted to when you're in a car and you're going 100 miles an hour you're in a you're ina a convertible and you're in the cockpit behind the windshield it'spretty calm there might be some wind and there's some you know tumultuousness but you pick your head up outside of thevisor and you feel that wind and you're pushed back you realize how fast you're going and I this is for me is a reallynice metaphor for life sometimes I feel like I'm going so fast and I'm in the pocket and it's just things are justgood I'm just humming and going and then I stick my head up and I realize quite how fast I'm moving quite how much Ihave going on and that it's time for me to rest and fast forward in my careerand in harmony was that checkpoint where I can kind of pick my head up and realize quite how fast I was going andthat it was time to slow down and when I gained access to the tools that inharmony produces our relaxationFurniture our music meditations and we'll talk about all that in detail I'm sure is when I realized that I need thisfor me just as much as I need to create this for others and it became thisreally nice balance of here's what helps me to feel good I bet this is going tohelp other people feel good and now we've got a company that's growing Leaps and Bounds and we're in you know I don'teven know how many countries around the world and it's just it's been a really beautiful birth of I think reallyimportant message which is relaxation is important and most Americans have forgotten how to truly actually relaxand when you get there sound and vibration is a power powerful tool to help you get there uh it's really abeautiful thing yeah so you know I think there's alot of especially business people who listen to this podcast and they're they're they're inthe convertible and so I guess my my first question is how did you get yourselfself to slow down how did you organize your day to put that into your day whenyou were running so fast yeah I mean I think we all know right when you're sitting in the cockpit like again it'sjust such a great analogy when when you're sitting in the cockpit you know you're moving fast right you know you're back to back like you look at your calendar and you're like oh I'm back to back for the next four hours like I don't even know when I'm going to get up to go to the bathroom right and and your assistant is helping you manage your day or whatever right like you know you're go go go go go and some days are like that other days aren't hopefully you don't have too many of those days in a row because you can't keep you just can't keep up that um so I I think the first is that awareness to be like all right things are hectic I can keep this up for a week I don't think I could keep this up for three weeks I need a break I need to work in those breaks there's a great book The Power of full engagement which actually talks about downtime being as important is uptime that you are more powerful in your on time when you take time to be off and turn off um I I think it starts by recognizing that and appreciating that and I think again to the point I was making before we all know how good and on point we are after good night's sleep whatever that whatever that is for you four hours can be a good hour good night sleep fourand a half hours for me is is sometimes good six and a half is better eight 10if I'm really exhausted and I don't set I don't set an alarm anymore and if my daughter I have a four-year-old if mydaughter doesn't come in my room at 6 o'clock in the morning and wake me up which she does most mornings but thismorning she didn't come in until 700 I slept until 700 and um and I just knowwhen I got I got seven and a half hours of sleep last night like that for me is a lot it's great I have a four year-old so I'm notused to sleeping through the night this is like a new thing for her she slept through the night until she was three and then for 3: to 4 she turns four inlike a week and a half and she just started sleeping through the night again some nights so like three nights a weekshe won't wake us up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or whatever for a hug a kiss I mean it'sthe most adorable thing in the world like I have a four-year-old at your bedside who's like dad wake up and I'mlike yeah what's going on sweetheart she's like I need a hug like I'm not even mad you're adorable get in hereI'll walk you back to bed I put her back in bed and she's good like it's just that simple but just wanted some attention wanted to feel the love umso we all know that when we get a good night's sleep how much more on we are whenever when we're well rested versusnot well rested and um and meditation mindfulnesssound and vibration using our relaxation Furniture midday or morning or at nightit's giving your body that break and and it's really it's a hack and I say thatbe in the truest definition of the word which biohackingis the big term these days right which is which is really about which is reallyabout hacking your biology and for me a hack is a shortcut it's a way for me tomaximize a particular activity optimize a particular activity so that I get the most efficient effective use of thattime and our technology can induce different brain wave States and sleepand meditation for that matter are nothing more than a conscious perception of a slower brain wave state and I'llI'll say that again because I think it's a really important note people ask all the time can your technology help me with sleep the answer is yes depends onwhat issues you're having with sleep you're having trouble falling asleep staying asleep or do you have a three-year-old that wakes you up in the middle of the night can't help you withthe ladder but I can certainly help you falling asleep or staying asleep um and and sleep is just a slower brain wavestate it's a conscious perception of a slower brain wave state but it's really just our brain slowing down and thendoing different things over the course of that sleep period whether it's a nap or whether it's a nighttime sleep periodit's six and one half of it's the same difference so our technology can induce an alpha Theta Delta or gamma brain wavestate and in doing so we allow your body to do the things that it does when it'sin that brain wave state which REM rapid eye movement which is where we are When We're Dreaming or lucid dreaming is aTheta brain wave state so if I can put you in a Theta brain wave state for 20 minutes that's equivalent to about fourto six hours of sleep now all of a sudden you're getting somewhere now all of a sudden you'retaking that busy executive that's busy from 7 in the morning until 8 10 o'clock at night um and I'm giving them a moreeffective way to rest a more efficient sleep or downtime and now we're givingyou an opportunity that you can really rejuvenate regenerate and charge forwardto be more powerful in your up time whatever that might look like and look even better if you can if you could do a20- minute session in the middle of your day or two 10 minute sessions in the middle of your day now all of a suddenyou're really talking about Rejuvenation regeneration and being able to charge forward that much stronger that muchmore powerful with that much more cunning with that much more mental capacity memory recall all of theamazing things that we look to have day in and day out as high performing business owners to bring it back to yourquestion um now all of a sudden we've got a tool that allows us to be more powerful and a tool that allows us to bemore capable to get more done be more efficient to be more on point and for everybody around us that has access tothe technology to do the very same and that to me is a really powerful tool and a very powerfulcalling yeah so when you started out doing your research on this and checking it out and um how did you implement itwhat did you like how did did you land on on thisof of all the things you could have found to slow down yeah how did you land on this welllet's go back to my origin story okay so about um you know and this has nothing to do with being a stressed New Yorker Ithink all New Yorkers are stressed to a certain to a certain degree um about 12 years ago my wife got sick and dockafter dock nobody could tell us what was wrong I I'll shorten the story in the end it went up being gluten we cut gluten out of her life and all of hersymptoms went away like within 30 three days 72 hours um that led to this deepdive into understanding the human body into understanding food diet nutrition toxicity toxic load detoxificationPathways like the rabbit hole is deep on that one as I'm sure you know and we Dove down it with a flashlight and aheadlamp and like we were in and along the way we picked up on the toxic load that our perfumes and colog deodorant atthe time lotions remember this is 12 years ago um they use harsh chemicals now but then they were using even moreharsh chemicals and they really weren't great Solutions my wife and I learned aboutessential oils we started traveling the country teaching training and educating on the efficacy of essential oils and if you're not familiar with extracts fromPlants I highly recommend you dive into it there's a ton of medicinal and beautiful replacements for a lot of thethe harsh chemicals that we use day in and day out like Glade sat down in a in an Uber uh about a week and a half agoand he had two Glade plugins in either air vent was just blown blowing in the car and the windows were locked and Isaid to him hey can uh can I roll down the window is that okay and he said yeah sure he unlocked the window I rolled itdown and he said uh you know if it's too hot or too cold just let me know and I said no it's actually the Glade pluginsthat you're using they're incredibly toxic for the body they have neurotransmitters and inhibit neurotransmitters in the in the body andand he was blown away he was like really and we started talking some more and he was like hey thanks for helping me tosee my granddaughter help I think so many people are interested in longevity anti-ag Ing and live their healthiestlife and so many people have no idea that some of the most common items that we use around ourhouse 409 Windex glass cleaner like it all leaves a residue and it's all pretty horrendous for us so anyway we dive downthat rabbit hole and along the road we let go of perfume and cologne becausethere's some toxic load in there too and I was just kind of not wearing anything and anyway essential oils we starttraveling teaching training and educating going to yoga retreats conferences trade shows talking about the efficacy of essentialoils introducing and educating the people and along the way I would go to these events and they would have soundtherapists they would have people playing the acoustic instruments singing sound balls digy does um crystal ballsgongs drums and I didn't know what it was about them but I laid down in frontof these amazing beautiful humans and I woke up 45 minutes or an hour hour and a half later whatever it wasI felt like a million bucks so me being an audio file I wanted to recreate thatat home so audio file just means that I like good sound and high quality soundHigh Fidelity sound and I um I went to my home stereo system I bought a Gong CDI took my my 5.1 back then it was 5.1 surround sound system Dolby right whatever and I I lay out in my living room and I put my front right channel my front left Channel my Center Channel between my legs my right my rear left and I'm just cranking this this gong CDand it's not working like I'm not getting the same experience that I get as laying in front of the gong and I waskind of disappointed my wife was laughing at me and literally three months later I get a phone call from mynow business partner Dom who's like hey I think you need to come down to my house and check something out and I go Okay cool so I I go down actually to his office and uh and I have my first sound Lounge experience I was blown away took the headphones off Midway through I'm like you guys did it and they're like did what and I'm like I've been trying tocreate this not hard but like I wanted to create something like this and just literally three months ago I told themabout my experience and they were like put the headphones back on lay back down it's okay lay back down put theheadphones on and I finish the track and then afterwards I'm like I have all these questions like how does it work what what's happening what am I feelingright now who created this music where did this technology come like a lot of the questions that you have now um I wasimmersed in and and I have answers to all of those questions now and I got those answers that afternoon and I saidgreat I'll take one and I I bought my first sound lounge and I had this incredible experience and then I saidDom how can I help I have a background in sales and marketing and business development and I'm an entrepreneur andand I've started businesses like how can I help and they were like I'm so glad you asked because we want you to dobusiness development for us so I started doing business development for a company called holistic health science s beforeI know it I bought and swe it into being a business owner and a part of this business and that was seven and a halfyears ago um since then we've been innovating and creating and I've been deep in the science and the researchcalled vibroacoustic therapy which studies specific frequencies within therange of 30 Hertz to 120 hertz and their impact on our physiology neurology andAnatomy so like how does sound and frequency impact our body and our mindand our spirit how this body operates and you know I think the science is really riveting you canprobably hear the passion in my voice as I talk about and share these stories like I love to talk about this I love toteach people about this and I'd love to answer questions about it so I'm grateful to be here yeah so let's juststart with the the sound piece so you know some people who they're more intonatural healing and things like that we kind of understand some of the frequencies and the sound therapy butfor people who have no idea what you're talking about okay you're using sound for healing I mean is it a special soundis it a special frequency um how does it work I'm gonna keep this really reallyreally simple and then we can dive in and we can get way more complex okay sound and vibration helps the body tospend more time in a parasympathetic nervous system response parasympathetic is associated with calm and relaxed orrest and digest the opposite of parasympathetic is sympathetic which isassociated with fight or flight otherwise being known in survival modeokay the body only has one reaction to Stress and Anxiety whether that isphysical stress like somebody trying to fight you um or hurt you or chase you orthreaten you or whether that's emotional mental relationalFinancial there's lots of different reasons why people feel Stress and Anxiety oftentimes feeling lots ofdifferent things and different kinds of Stress and Anxiety over the course of the day but the body only has oneresponse what is that response increase cortisol release adrenaline into the bloodstream which has a whole bunch ofdifferent chemical Cascades if you will and these dominoes that that flowthrough the body that increase in cortisol makes you hyper aware and focused and awake at what's happeningright in front of you the adrenaline actually diverts energy from maintenance tasks in the body like your immunesystem digestion reproductive organs to the major muscle groups of the body so that you can literally defendyourself fight or run and that's great if there's somebody threatening yourlife and you need get away fast or you need to defend yourself it's not great if you read an email from a boss you youknow you can't stand in a job you hate and that's happening all day every day or it's the first thing you see in themorning and the last thing you see before you go to bed at night you could imagine a spiking cortisol and adrenaline right before you're about toclose your eyes to go to bed at night is going to keep you awake for at least an hour or two and and then once you're upfor an hour or two after You' said you want to go to bed the the rest of it is just yourself-deprecating at that point you're like why can't I sleep you get even more frustrated you get even more wound upand and it becomes this this terrible so the the body only has one response to stress and anxiety and that is thatsympathetic nervous system response and the all the things that happen after it so the first is to recognize that so themost important thing that our technology does is it helps you to spend more timecalm and relaxed less time stressed and anxious regardless of what that stimuli and what that input is and that has todo with the Confluence of sound and frequency and vibration of hearing the same frequencies that you're feelingabout about spending time on our technology whether it's the meditation cushion the massage table thepractitioner 2 or the sound Lounge 2 all of our technology operates the same way and we'll talk about that as we divedeeper into sound and vibration but most importantly when you're in a sympathetic nervous system response when your bodyis in fight or flight again regardless of the stress or anxiety it diverts energy from maintenancetasks to survival mode and and survival tasks and and if you're in day after dayweek after week month after month not maintaining your body but in survival mode your body is going to is is goingto self-deprecate over time you're going to get these chronic ailments these chronic issues and and these diagnoseswhich tell you hey your body is not operating correctly and if you're stressed and anxious andyour body diverts energy from digestion to the major muscle groups in the bodyum it doesn't matter how organic your food is it doesn't it doesn't matter that this supplement is the bestsupplement made from the Himalayas plucked by hand and and carried by youknow on a blanket it it doesn't matter your body says I'm stressed I'm anxiousdivert energy fight ORF flight survival mode it turns off digestion so it turnsoff your immune system it turns off reproductive organs so think about ofthe top 10 reasons why Americans die and the numbers have changed slightly since the last census but of the top 10reasons why people die six of them have their root in Stress and Anxiety meaningyou remove the Stress and Anxiety those six reasons for death go away they'll be replaced because we're talking about thetop 10 but but nonetheless Stress and Anxiety is such a pivotal anchor inunderstanding how the human body is designed and making sure that we can focus on maintenance mode just killingoff dead C cells EP potosisd apoptosis right like doing the things that thebody needs to do to to maintain itself only happens when you're calm andrelaxed and so many people get worked up over so many different things the most important aspect of what our technologydoes and I know I kind of pounded this for the last couple minutes is to keep the body in a parasympathetic nervoussystem response to keep you calm and relaxed and the way sounding vibration does that is by peeling away the layersof Stress and Anxiety by kicking in the chemical Cascades associated with being calm and relaxed by putting you in anenvironment that feels very good it feels absolutely fantastic to lay downon a sound lounge and listen to a music meditation it is one of the most calming soothing relaxing things you've ever felt I promise and it works foreveryone pretty much everyone right there's certainly exceptions but um but it really does feel fantastic um we youdive into more of of sound and vibration we use something called a tactile transducer to create and translate musicinto vibration you are quite literally feeling the same frequencies that you are hearing uh through through somethingcalled mechano receptors in skin which allows you to feel touch and um when the touch when thosemechano receptors are sending the same frequencies to the brain as the auditory nerve this very magical and immersivething happens where you feel as though you're inside the music and the vibrations literally send a message toevery muscle in your body telling them to relax it's pretty remarkable I callit relaxation from the outside in so my brain doesn't have to tell my muscles to relax the vibration is telling my bodyto relax and then there's one last thing that I would kind of bring into this whole thing when we start talking aboutsound and vibration and that is everything is vibration quite literallyevery single object that your eyes can see in the room that you're sitting in right now is vibrating I know it doesn'tdoes appear that way but that desk that's sitting in front of me that phone that you're looking at um the airpodsthe plastic is actually vibrating and it's at a molecular level you can't seethat it appears solid to you in this reality but the reality is everything is vibration and the human body is one bigantenna we are constantly coming into and out of what's called harmonic resonance with the frequencies that weare presented with and there's lots of different frequencies that we're presented with from the physical things around us from the atmosphere that we'rein from the room that we're sitting in from the electricity flowing through the walls the lights that are shining on ourskin the people that are sitting next to us the thoughts the people that are sitting next to us are having ourthoughts and then of course being out in nature or being indoors I mean there's so many different things to unpack youasked a very simple question but there's a very complex answer uh and uh and I'mexcited to talk about it yeah so if someone um had your technology in their home ortheir office like how long would they have a session for whatwould yeah so sessions in our app range from two minutes to two hours the science and the research says that theoptimal session length is at least 22 minutes 23 minutes um so I and I'vespent I've logged hours on our technology um when you first get it I recommend you use it as as needed youfeel stressed and anxious get on it um when I first got access to my sound Lounge back in November of 2016 I was onit three times a day quite literally morning noon and night sometimes more I was like oh this feels really good andthen I'd get off it and then life would happen and I'd start to feel wound up again and I'd be like Dum can I get can I get on my soundLounge again and he's like yeah get on as many times as you want I was like cool before I knew it I was literallyjust working like I was literally sitting on my on my cell phone you know working because it just felt so darngood and so relaxing yeah but but you people can feel relief just in a couple minutes we have a twominute and 22 second demo and I've I've I'll do events where we're so busy thatwe're just running a two-minute demo people get off and they're like wow I feel amazing that I I cannot believethe benefit that I feel in just two minutes it's really remarkable so do you set different settings for what you wantto do I mean do a lot of people say okay I'm G to get on this before I go to sleep and just end up on it all night Imean I mean is there a sleep is there a sleep one is there a you want to regenerateand you want to go back to work so you really don't want to go to sleep there are all the above is the short answer umI've countless nights I've woken my wife up and my wife has woken me up on the sound loue like hey honey you want toyou want to come to bed and you're like what what time is it you know like howlong have I been here like what what's going on um yeah I mean and that's justafter doing a 20 or 30 minute session right and then I'll wake up an hour and a half two hours later sound Lounge isnot on it's just comfortable and and I will wake up there are other times where yeah absolutely I'll be on it for longerperiods of time if I'm having a back spasm or an issue with a muscle or something that I want to work on I'veabsolutely done two-hour sessions I've gotten bodyw work our inharmony massage table and our inharmony practitioner toois designed specifically to augment bodyw work it's designed specifically for or massage therapists body workersacupuncture acupressure chiropractors um we've got guys and gals that do eyelashes and threading on itthat do facials on our technology I mean there's a lot of different use cases for our technology and uh and that's why wehave and continue to innovate into the different products that we offer yeahthat'd be like double therapy I mean a massage already feels great so can imagine amassage with the vibration in the music and the next level it is next level isall I mean next level yeah no um and you have a lot ofyou know people who just have this in their home also absolutely yeah about50% I'd say it's a pretty healthy split of about 5050 of individuals that put our our technology into their home uh aswell as you know business owners or Executives um I probably talked to RiveWellness clinics that are opening up where that want to add vibro acoustic therapy to their offering in addition tocontrast therapy right hot and cold red light therapy um I just met with the CEO of hyper icewho uh you know purchased uh the compression company not too long ago that's that's doing the compressionboots uh that squeezes the blood out of your out of your legs and you know brings more blood flow up to from theextremities um I mean there's a lot of these spaces that are opening up and fibro acoustic therapy is becoming agreat solution to complement that um we also work with Executives that are likeyou know what I have 150 200 employees or I have 10 employees whatever and Iwant to give this back I I did a talk for EO Alchemy back in 2018 and I stood in front of U 500CEOs from various um walks of life and um and I said to himum in how many cultures how many of your businesses is it culturally acceptablefor an executive to close their door in the middle of the day crawl underneaththeir desk or lay down on their couch and take a nap for 20 minutes and andeverybody started laughing I mean it was it wasil a couple hands went up a couple people were like yeah but like everybodylike kind of looked they like kind of laughed and looked at everybody else at the table like yeah right that would never happen you know right but here'sthe reality if you have and that's this is just Executives that don't even get me started on employees okay I have afour-year-old there are some nights where she keeps me up literally every 25 minutes I'm awake or I could spend theentire night at her bedside if she's not feeling well if she's right like it doesn't even have to be something that'sbad or I might just choose to be there for my daughter and and I might not havea great night's sleep if I could go into a culture or an office that has a nap room or some place that has a piece oftechnology that can help me to rejuvenate who's going to be a better employee who's going to be a moreproductive employee of course right the person that's well rested so versus me callingout or using a PTO day or coming in and pushing through it through with coffee or chocolate or a stimulant of some kindor whatever right like yeah and your work is not as good that way eitherproducts not as good right or hey Craig you look like hell you right right maybeyou don't say that maybe that's not the HR thing to say but maybe it's like hey Craig do you need some rest like yeahyou know what I had a really rough night last night with my daughter and uh yeah that'd be great hey go into theinharmony sound lounge and uh why don't you take 40 minutes and uh and rejuvenate and I might be out cold for40 minutes but as I come back and I go outside and I get some sunlight I feelrejuvenated like I'm ready to go did I just buy myself 4 to 6 hours probably MHreally powerful like really powerful so we have a lot of we have a lot of clients that buy our Tech to bring itinto their office as an employee benefit as well which I would count as as a business right bringing into business somaybe not a Wellness Center that's charging for sessions and that sort of thing but yeah good amount of folks that are doing that which excites me greatidea I mean you think about even if you have a little catnap without the technology even little catnap is betterthan nothing but if you had that would where you're basically 10 times in yoursleep sleep time like it's like I said right it's um it's that hack it's thatopportunity to optimize a process and a practice that is so important and if youcan make sleep more efficient more effective rest more efficient more effective meditation more effective moreefficient everything around you is going to be more efficient more effective and and with more ease and Grace look I'm aparent one of the pillars that we talk to is parents and it takes a parent torealize that I know I'm a way better parent when I had a great night's sleep and and you're the reason why I don'thave a great night's sleep not you I mean talking to my child right like so here I am on edge being short andsnippet with you know snippy with my daughter who who is really just being playful except when she's not mydaughter can be a pain in the ass I love you har but you know when you're being a pain in the ass and when you aren't right likeotherwise I'm being short and I'm lacking compassion empathy and sympathywhen I am a compassionate empathetic sympathetic human being but I'm so over tired and exhausted that I'm not beingmy best self I know I'm not being the best father that I can be so when we getinto these situations I'm blessed to have my wife who's incredibly supportive and I could look at her and be like heyI'm exhausted I really didn't sleep well last night I'm GNA do a sound Louch session okay cool I got this no problemyeah I'll go pick her up why don't you do a sound Louch session and we'll be back in an hour great and vice versa heyhoney I I know you didn't sleep so great last night I happen to be the midnight crew these days um so and my daughterknows it she'll come into the off um into our bedroom in the middle of the night and I wake up right away and I say hey let's be quiet let's let Mom sleeplet's go and in exchange mom gives me a sound loud session in the middle of the day so it's finding that healthy balanceand it's using using it as a tool to help you to perform at your best what about children or infants Imean I know some people with KY babies that sure would like something yesABS absolutely short answer is yes my daughter's been on our technology since she's one weekold when she was really young I picked her head up and again there's no scienceon this we don't do research on babies infants or pregnant women but um I just picked her head up off the sound Loungemy hand off the sound Lounge her head off the sound lounge and literally within her first week of being alive umshe was laying on the sound lounge and and it was one of those situation do you have kids uhhuh Okay cool so you knowthere's no instruction manual with that infant that comes home from the hospital and kind of go through your checklist like why are you crying you have a dirtydiaper do you need food milk like are you uncomfortable are you hot are you cold like you know you go through thechecklist and me and my wife are just looking at our daughter who's crying and and relen L and we've like we've gonethrough and exhausted everything we're like ready to call our parents and be like hey what what what do we do and Iwas like you know what I'm going to put her on the sound loue and and sure enough within the first vibration shewas like [Laughter] huh and then and then a smile and likeoh my God cool she likes it this is great you know who knows it was soothing to her body who knows if she had gas andit helped move it through like yeah fast forward now my daughter's almost four turns four in a week and she'll grab mein the middle of the day be like hey Dad I need a sound Louch session can you can you hook me up yeah absolutely she got afavorite song favorite music meditate play my favorite song Dad I'm like okay cool that's awesome allright it's not a Disney song right no it's one of our music meditations that'sright but you can listen to anything you want I haven't even gotten there with her yet you can listen to anything youwant through our technology and your favorite song sounds amazing through thesound Louch feels amazing through the sound Louch and these Disney movies and all these Disney soundtracks they allhave some pretty hefty and th thick baselines and they do feel amazing through thesellou cool so if people wanted to um connect with you or you know find outwhere to get this technology where can they find it I am like the most tangible person on the internet um my my phonenumber is quite literally at the top of our website the website is I am inharmonydocomo n y.com I am in harmony I am being the two most important words inthe English language because anything after it you are so I love positive affirmations I love um just the I amstatement in general was really powerful one um we're on all the socials uh Tik Tok Instagram Facebook Twitter I meanyou name it we're there and I am the individual on the other side of the comments I am the individual on theother side of the DMS so um I love connecting with our community I love helping and supporting folks that havequestions about what we do and how we do it I quite literally clear my desk of everything else so that I can do thisand be present for those that have questions and I really look at myself as a steward of the technology for not justin harmony but the entire industry I want more people to know about vibro acoustic therapy I want more people tohave access to what I think is a very high quality therapy and and I'm prettyexcited about where we're going and what we're doing awesome well now a personalquestion what gives you the most happiness and fulfillment in your life at thispoint look the easy answer is my wife and my daughter and my family I mean that's that's I think that's an easy onemy family my extended family being with those around me that I love and trust and that's I think a really easy answerum lately I've been really working on authenticity I have been working onrecognizing who I am and what I stand for Craig Goldberg as anindividual granted I'm all of these other things I'm a father I'm a husband I'm a brother I'm a friend I'm all ofthese things business partnerum I've been very much focused on figuring out what's happening internally what I want who I want to be how I wantto show up and then living in that and being authentic to myself being honestwith myself creating boundaries and livingwithin them um eating the right Foods lately I've been letting myself go alittle bit and last literally just last night I was like you know I'm really not happy when I don't take care of myselfand eat healthy and um and I know what diet works for me and I want to stick tothat and I want to be better about that and when I say yes to cookies and crackers and chips and sweets um ittastes good in the moment but I'm not happy with myself when I do that and I don't need somebody to be looking over my shoulder to hold me accountable I'mgoing to hold myself accountable U So lately that's really been what happened and that was franklythe conversation that hked up yesterday at our at my EO Forum it was really about um authenticity and and that breeds happiness in me when I am authentic and being myself that's when I really feel my best yes so beautiful thank you for sharing that and thank you for being on the podcast today and sharing this technology and you know I hope a lot of you who are dealing with some stress which is everybody we'll check this technology out so yes I have one last question before wecomplete what is your best advice on living an incredible amazinglife it's like such a great question best advice that I have is beto yourself so many of us are so hard onourselves driving pushing expecting and we don't have to be I'mhere to tell you you don't have to be you can still Thrive you can still shine you can still achieve by cuttingyourself some slack being kind to yourself and allowing yourself to make a mistake to not do something perfectlyjust be kind to yourself and and and that will mean something different to everyone but whatever that means to yoube kind to yourself secondarily and right behind that get some sunshine onyour skin every day wake up with gratitude go to bed with gratitude ude vitamin G as my friend Ben likes to sayget sunshine on your skin get some brisk exercise some Zone 2 cardio every day drink clean water eat clean food it allgoes along with being kind to yourself hot and cold therapy red light exposure meditation mindfulness sound Loungewhatever cuddle time with those that you love laughing you know life is meant tobe enjoyed and if there's anything that I've seen in what we do here at inHarmony and and what I've taken advantage of in what we do here at in harmony is is a much more relaxedattitude to life and how I go about life and because of it I see tremendoushealth benefits not just in mindfulness and meditation but all the things that Ijust shared it's this beautiful cacophony of of excellence andPerfection and when you let the universe unfold around you and you kind of sit back and and let it unfold it unfolds perfectly and beautifully um a lot of times we get in our own way and that's where being kind to ourselves and cutting ourselves some slack and and being nice to ourselves really comes in wonderful thank you so much Craig you're so welcome thank you grateful to be here all right we'll talk to you again soon I look forward to that