The BrainTap Headset brings a whole new dimension to your Technoogy Assisted Meditation (TAM) sessions by adding the restorative power of light and frequency therapy. In addition to the sonic effect in the audio-sessions, the BrainTap Headset delivers gentle light pulses that travel through the ear meridians and the retina, sending direct signals to the brain, guiding you into extraordinary brain states that would otherwise take years of disciplined effort to achieve.
BrainTap's science-based solution perfected over that past 32 years by Dr. Patrick Porter focuses on a proactive method that synchronizes mind and body.
Sales Integration Program
inHarmony’s Sales Integration Program assists each team member to create and schedule a base plan of three 15m-30m sessions per week. A trained coach will assist each sales person and manager to create a personalized schedule of specific sessions including the best time of day to achieve their outcomes. At the end of each month, each team member will experience a brief coaching session. Metrics of previous sessions include HRV reports will be reviewed to examine their progress. Next, they will schedule month-two based on the data and the discussion. A final debrief will conclude the 90 day challenge once the quarter has ended and the battle has been won.
The 90 Day Challenge
Select one team of up to 20 and one manager who will integrate a personalized wellness plan by simply scheduling 15 to 30 minutes three or more times a week for one quarter. Each team member will commit to completing a brief feedback loop.
The Offer and Guarantee
If your sales team has not achieved a measurable calmer state and increased performance in pursuit of exceeding their quota, then we will refund your money.
We created the Sales Integration Program for a team of up to 20 plus one manager to create calm focused sales heros who are ready to slay their quotas.
We have spent years learning how to create ideal plans that are easy to implement and work.
Our experts have spent decades working with many sales teams to help drive performance increase the bottom line.
We believe the next untapped edge is enabling our brains and nervous systems to get more done with less stress and energy.
Complete Package + HRV Monitoring System